Chemical Addiction
We all use lot of drugs or chemicals in our every day life in the form of prescribed medicine like aspirin, pain killer, antibiotics to fight with infections, for both medical and pleasure outcomes. These all chemicals have some side effects on our physical and psychological health.
"A drug is a chemical that effects our physical and psychological health. Drugs are also known as substance."
Drugs may cause some temporary changes in our body like restlessness, irritability, fatigue etc.
Some drugs also develop some long-term problems.
Drug Abuse
"People who regularly use these chemicals or drugs may develop some maladaptive pattern of behaviours. These patterns are called chemical or drug abuse."
As time passes thus drug abuse becomes drug addiction.
Drug or Chemical Addiction
"In drug or chemical addiction person inhale, swallow, or inject addictive object to get pleareable effect. Drug addiction is also known as substance abuse."
"As time passes body and the brain of addict adjust with the dose of drug. At that time addict have to increase the dose of drug in order to keep getting the desired effect. This adjustment is known as tolerance."
When an addict suddenly try to stop taking drug his body shows some withdrawal symptoms.
"Withdrawal consists of unpleasant or even dangerous symptoms like nausea, anxiety, restlessness
Types of drugs or Chemicals
There are three main kinds of Chemicals.
Depressants are those chemicals which interfere the activity of central nervous system and slowed it down. By effecting the neurons of central nervous system depressants produces some symptoms like drowsiness, relaxation, decreased inhibition, nausea, sleep, coma and even death.Types of depressants
There are three main types of depressants.

- Alcohol
- Sedative-hypnotic drugs
- Opioids
"Alcohol is the type of depressant. Alcohol is any beverage containing ethyl alcohol including beer, wine and liquor."
According to World Health Organization 2 billion people worldwide consume alcohol. In United States every two third of all uses drinks which contain alcohol.
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